Policy Initiatives
- Disproportionate Minority Confinement—EBCC has spear-headed efforts to address Disproportionate Minority Confinement in Baltimore City, serving as a resource for the State and affected families in addressing this prevalent issue. EBCC has worked with Local Management Boards and Youth Service Bureaus in counties throughout the State to assist them in advocating for residents and policy change within their jurisdictions.
- In recognition of our efforts and those of our partners, our Parent and Youth Empower Program was selected as a Best Practice Model by the Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, under the category of Disproportionate Minority Contact Reduction.
- Alternatives to Detention – EBCC is an active member of the Juvenile Detention Alternative Committee in Baltimore City. As a committee member EBCC has lead the conversation around the development of community options to detention. EBCC also developed the Educational Placement Team. The Team assists with the placement, of youth leaving detention and re-entering their home school or an alternative school.
- Community Master Planning – EBCC has been the lead community organization working with member community associations in devising and shaping Master Plans for areas of East Baltimore. This is reflective of our partnerships with Oliver, Oldtowne and Middle East in addressing vacant, blighted housing and buildings, lighting, landscapes, roadways, etc. to affect a comprehensive approach to enhancing the area. The Corporation has played a lead role over the past forty years in promoting positive growth and development in the Eastern area of Baltimore City.