
Our Parent and Youth Empowerment Program (PYEP)  was selected as an Best Practice Program by the United States Department of Justice , Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) under the category of Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) Reduction.

For More information, Click HERE to view the OJJDP website for more details.

Program Outcome Measures

The data for Fiscal Year 2013 highlights the success of the program.  EBYFSB received 212 referrals from Maryland Department of Justice (DJS) and the Baltimore Police Department (BPD).  Of the 212 youth referred, 147 (69%) were reconnected to their parents/guardian, avoiding unnecessary secure detention at the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center.  55 (26%) were placed in shelter; and 10 (5%) were placed in detention.  It should be noted that the benchmark for the PYEP was 40%.



EBCC re-awarded Baltimore City Child In Need of Supervision (CINS) Program by the Family League of Baltimore City based on the following documented outcome data:

Summary Results: FY07-FY12


Maceo Hallmon, Director of our Youth & Family Services Program, was recently featured on WBAL-Tv 11 News discussing Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) at the second annual Maryland Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOOCP).  DMC is one of the policy initiatives that East Baltimore Community Corporation is active.  Click HERE to view the video.


Congratulations to our own Maceo Hallmon, recipient of the Social Justice Award at the Family League of Baltimore City’s 1st Annual Awards Reception.

Mr. Hallmon, Director of EBCC’s East Baltimore Youth and Family Services Bureau, was chosen by the Family League “as an extraordinary individual who has demonstrated strong leadership, advocacy, support, and commitment to our organization.”What an honor for Maceo and EBCC!! Great Job!

Pictured above Kevin Keegan, Executive Director of the Family League of Baltimore City

Maceo Hallmon, Executive Director of the East Baltimore Community Corporation’s Youth and Family Services Program

Hon. Stephanie Rawlings Blake, Mayor of the City of Baltimore

Samantha Mellerson, Director of Programs for the Family League of Baltimore City